Our Values

Integrity and Professionalism

In all of our recruitment activities, we uphold high ethical standards and conduct ourselves with professionalism, honesty, and transparency. Our members are dedicated to preserving the integrity of the talent acquisition profession.

Compliance and Data Protection

We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations governing talent acquisition, including those related to privacy and data security. Our members are committed to following these laws and keeping sensitive information obtained during the recruitment process confidential.

Ethical Recruitment

We do not engage in unethical or deceptive recruitment practices, such as offering unapproved incentives or using misleading job advertisements. Members of our organisation are devoted to conducting themselves in a morally sound manner when seeking new team members.

Fairness and Non-discrimination

We value workplace diversity and inclusivity and do not discriminate against candidates based on any protected characteristic. Our members are committed to conducting fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory hiring practices.

Communication and Transparency

During the recruitment process, we provide accurate and complete information to candidates and make no false or misleading statements or promises. Our members are committed to open and honest communication with all parties involved in the recruitment process.

Dispute Resolution and Cooperation

We make every effort to resolve any disagreements or grievances that may arise during the recruitment process. To ensure the highest standards of talent acquisition, our members are committed to working with the association and its chosen representatives.